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New Junior Additions to TLR

It has been a busy-while since I have hopped on this blog and did some writing, but I have 3 exciting reasons to today. The first is that my awesome hubby, Mr. Timber-framer-Superman (aka Wayne Froese), is (as I type) working on my reno'd HEATED rabbitry!! I cannot wait to move everyone in...but am trying to be patient. Second and third VERY exciting reasons are "Theo" and "Juliet"; my new holland additions at Top Lop Rabbity.

October 18-24 Theo and Juliet were shown at the Annual ABRA Convention & rabbit show in Reno, NV along with 600+ other hollands. They made their way back up to snowy Alberta and landed at Top Lop on November 3rd.

Theo and Juliet are both 5 months old and gorgeous. They add components to my herd that I felt were lacking: good shoulder, width and mass (but not weight), compact bodies, short front limbs and, ding-dang, some cuteness although that wasn't lacking much around here!

We are headed to the 2019 Farm Fair rabbit show tomorrow (Nov 8-10) so their journey has 1 more leg (no pun intended, but we always hope for GC legs as well!) and then it will be big-time rest-up for these two.

Meet LLL Theo and LLL Juliet:

LLL Theo

LLL Juliet

LLL Theo

LLL Juliet

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