Springy Spring
It's been awhile since I have emailed or said much at all really. This due to being outside as much as possible with my little tykes and enjoying the start of spring. Besides combines running all around us, it sure feels like spring!
Within the last couple months I have made 3 rabbit tractors (with my wonderful dad and husband's help, pictures below). They function well, I am really happy with them and definitely recommend them to anyone who has grassy space out the back door and doesn't want to clean pens in the summer. We took a basic model and tailored it to what I thought would be most practical (with an indoor puck board level for easy cleaning). Tauney had her babies in one of these tractors and I think it will function well for does with litters (as well as any other rabbits).
I am presently busy working on my 3rd, outdoor, wire-covered pen, getting it rabbit-ready. It is about 20' x 10'. My motivation: I can't handle rabbits in small spaces and want to let the sun beat in on my rabbitry and dry it out well this summer so it is clean and ready for winter. Hence the rabbit tractors and this new pen (that I will divide up). It is difficult to keep many bucks when they each need their "princely domain".
Tauney and Huxley both kindled this month. Bad news: Tauney only had 1 survivor out of her 5, not sure why, she's a good little mom. Good news: Huxley's 7 she had all survived; 2 are fostered to Tauney and all are plump little bunnies! Huxley's litter will be for sale.
I have another 2 or 3 litters of blue-eyed (non-pedigree'd) bunnies coming this month HOPEFULLY. Chaco, Blue and Sweetie Pie are the delivering does.
After I post this blog page I will register for the SARBA rabbit show in Chestermere May 26 & 27th. I don't have many rabbits to show right now, but Tees, Jose and Harris are my token boys to take. It should be a good time of connecting with rabbit breeders and is a large show (breeders coming from far and wide, the States as well). I am picking up 3 new (beautifully bred and beautiful type) rabbits being transported there from BC: a blue doe, a sable point doe and a broken tort buck...I am as excited as a first-time bunny customer!
That is the kick off to spring for me rabbit-wise. We also have a new pony we bought Jayda, she (Jayda) started playing sport ball, I am tackling painting the basement, Wayne has a full timber frame house to build(!) and then there is the garden to plant and we are thinking about chickens and ducks... the busy never ends, but the sun is blazing and life feels really good!!
That's all for now. Check out my "current litters" page for baby pictures!
(I think they are John Deere)

(That's my awesome dad)