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Here we are, right in full summer swing! I'm LOVING IT!!

Most of my rabbits are out in rabbit tractors, enjoying breezes from the top of the hill and grass under their feet. I think happiness is in the air!

Then there is the maternity barn! It seems to be bursting right now, making up for empty nests all winter (smart rabbits!).

Most exciting around here is my daughter's rabbit, Sunshine, who had her first litter - 4 sweet sable point babies. Jayda is elated as she has never had her "own babies" before. We are excited to see them grow up (pictures of new babes on my "current litters" page).

And, ready for the list of mama's right now? Here goes...







It's a beautiful thing... and we are loving the little kits growing all over the place :).

Another beautiful item is the picture I have added to this post. A repeat customer, Hidden Jem Photography, sent me this gorgeous picture of her daughter and new bunny (Ariel x Jed) they just purchased last month, ISN'T it BEAUTIFUL?!!

We are off and running with summer fullness - kittens, bunnies, chicks ... and lots of camping! Next week we are away visiting friends in Northern Alberta, my good friend (and rabbit mentor/guru) Shannon Fletcher of Starlit Rabbitry. Our husbands may grow tired of hearing "rabbit talk' all over the place, but it will be great!

My next rabbit show is July 27-28 (Kdays in Edmonton at Northlands), I am looking forward to that.

Aaaaannnddd...I have an exciting new addition to my herd arriving next week from the US! Stay tuned.... ;)


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