Mini Plush Lops

The Mini Plush Lop
Mini Plush Lops are a unique and rare rabbit breed developed in the US and new to Canada. The idea behind developing the mini plush lop was to produce a small, lopped, velvety-soft, good-tempered rabbit. Contrary to what many believe, they are not a mixture of 2 breeds, but 4. These 4 breeds are: The Netherland Dwarf (for size), the Mini Lop (for crown & long ears that lop), the Holland Lop (for body type, lopped ears and friendly personality) and the Mini Rex (for fur).
Top Lop Rabbitry's Mini Plush Lop herd comes from the renowned breeder, Ellie, of Ellies’s Rabbitry in the United States. Ellie's Mini Plush Lops are direct descendants of Devie D’Anniball's mini plush lops.
Devie is the developer of this breed in Ohio, United States in the early 2000’s.
Mini Plush Lops are new to many so allow me to share what we have appreciated about what they have to offer:
FEEL: The obvious, and most impactful (when people meet one), is that the mini plush lops have incredibly soft fur like the mini rex. They have fur instead of hair which makes them plush, and wonderful to touch.
SNEEZING FACTOR: Mini plush lops shed less. This is good news for those allergic to rabbit fur or bothered when they constantly shed. Mini plush lops moult 2 times a year, but otherwise they don't shed as much as other lopped breeds.
PERSONALITIES: Their friendly and inquisitive nature make the mini plush lop a perfect pet. Our mini plush lops love to explore, to check us out and every new addition to their pen or environment is thoroughly inspected.
Mini Plush Lops are not a recognized, showable breed (yet!), but when my daughter, Jayda, took her mini plush lop to a rabbit show for the youth show (non-sanctioned) she placed first out of 8 or 9 for her little beauty, Snow White. "Snowy" loved the show! She wanted out of her carrier to explore and was not stressed at all by the transport or all the commotion. I was amazed. This goes to show how easy going their personalities are.
What the Mini Plush Lop Need that may be different from other rabbit breeds:
Mini Plush Lops are best suited to a warm environment. This means a house or heated shop/barn (above freezing). Mini plush fur is short and doesn't grow as thick and long as some breeds which adapt quickly and weather cold winters.
Top Lop Rabbitry's Aim:
Top Lop Rabbitry's goal is to produce quality Mini Plush Lop for quality pets while also working on the breed in general. This means we work toward breeding mini plush lops for great disposition, beautiful coats, gorgeous colors, nice small size & conformation; essentially overall beautiful rabbits for others to enjoy; while helping some enjoy a pet rabbit without sneezing.
Top Lop Rabbitry's Mini Plush Lops:
Snow White - blue-eyed white doe
Waffles - black tort buck
Victoria - Blue-eyed siamese sable doe
(Originally from Ellie's Rabbitry)
Honey - sable point doe
Tanzer - broken blue-otter buck
Zander - broken orange buck
Willow - black otter doe
PineCone - silver martin doe
Feel free to contact Top Lop any time about Mini Plush Lops.
* please read Top Lop's "Things to Know" page before considering any rabbit from Top Lop Rabbitry.
Thank you!
-Kami Froese




Simon x Frosty babies
