February 2018 Wetaskiwin Show
Well it has been awhile since I have blogged anything! Trying to wrangle a 2 and 4yr old and keep afloat with bunnies & other critters (i.e. horses & a new puppy!) must keep me preoccupied. But the kids are asleep so I thought I would update on the most recent "happennings" Top-Lop wise.
There is only one (lone!) kit in a nestbox at present so I am waiting for a March "baby boom"...at least I hope so.
The Wetaskiwin show was a great show for me this year (that was my VERY first show last year, in my home town). I came home with 3 grand champions, an RIS (Reserve in Show) and a new recruit from Washington.
Tees, Jed and Ariel are now grand champions and Jed landed Reserve in Show the second day.
Ariel won best of opposite sex of breed (BOV) for all 4 shows last weekend granting her 4 grand champion legs all in the same weekend.
My new recruit's name is Apache. I brought up a sweet, black tort buck from Clear Sky Rabbitry in Washington. Tahoe is his dad, who has won 9(!) legs so far . Apache comes with 2 legs already as a junior and I have faith that he will get his 3rd in Canada and become a Grand Champion this year. He is pretty darn cute too! I am super excited about him.
Other than that, I cleaned a bunch of pens yesterday when it hit +1 degree :). That isn't fun news, but rewarding for me! I will post a few pictures and hope that it doesn't take this long to blog again :). Bring on spring!