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We are SPRINGING again! Hurray!

I don't know that I will ever have a blogging business, people would die waiting for the next one! But here I go for now!

I now have a Top Lop Rabbitry Facebook page. I don't update it as much as I update my website; I still like my website best.

I have had a long run of "silence" in part due to kits low survival rate. I have had higher mortality in litters than ever before and have been working towards figuring that out. That said, now I am on a run of litters with no mortality - so! Maybe a few changes have made a difference (and the kids and I have also been praying for the bunnies!). I have had 4 litters in the past 2 months and the only deaths were peanuts and 2 that were DOA. That's all NORMAL; hurray for that.

Now most of my herd are out in rabbit tractors enjoying sunshine and grass, I love this time of year!

Milani, a young doe out of Apache and Kona, rocked her first litter (of 8!!). What a surprise to me. 3 peanuts so 5 live babies. Milani, Cori-Rose and Ariel all had litters close together, 11 live babies total, and (I had to triple, quadruple check), 10/11 babies are BUCKS! I don't know what happened to 50/50, but the XY was very strong - maybe it was a full moon at breeding! Crazy for sure. That doesn't help for keeping back any, but it's nice for pet homes :). Quality pets or breeding bucks for sure - most of the parents are GC's (grand champions).

I have another couple litters due this week, another first-timer (one of my favorites), Maisie (out of Ariel x Denali)... here's hoping she is as smart with her babies as Milani was. I love that they don't have to ward off the extreme cold too now that temperatures stay above zero.

There's lots to be thankful for and it sure feels like spring! We have 32 chicks, 10 kittens, bunnies coming, grass growing...and mosquitoes buzzing as well.

Thanks for your patience as I so infrequently update this blog! When more excitement comes my way I will be sure to write it down!

Enjoy spring everyone!

Chloe wondering: "What's Up?"

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